Tuesday, March 27, 2007

New Music Economics

Should musicians play for free?

Geelhoed, Marc. "New Music Economics," New Music Box, 14 March 2007.


Improvised Maps: Tracking Wildfire

Here is an interesting example of a long poem project and its bibliographic references:

Brady, Andrea. "Tracking Wildfire." As part of the Dispatx Art Collective.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

All about the "interview"

A thoughtful look at the prominence of the interview (and the challenges it presents to writers in particular). Mobilio, Albert. On the Record: What writers talk about when they talk about writing," Bookforum, Feb/Mar 2007.

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A Practical Avant-Garde

The avant-garde needs to shape up.

Petrovic, Dushko. "Out of the box: A painter's call for a 'practical avant-garde,'" The Boston Globe, 4 March 2007.

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